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Bob Hope Airport, Burbank (KBUR)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

SPECI for:KBUR (Burbank/Bob Hope Arpt, CA, US)
Text:KBUR 110931Z 13007KT 10SM BKN021 OVC047 10/04 A2997 RMK AO2 T01000044 $
Conditions at:0931 UTC 11 Feb 2025
Temperature: 10.0°C ( 50°F)
Dewpoint: 4.4°C ( 40°F) [RH = 68%]
Pressure (altimeter):29.97 inches Hg (1015.0 mb)
Winds:from the SE (130 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 knots; 3.6 m/s)
Visibility:10 or more sm (16+ km)
Ceiling:2100 feet AGL
Clouds:broken clouds at 2100 feet AGL, overcast cloud deck at 4700 feet AGL
QC Flag:SOME DATA ABOVE MAY BE INACCURATE!!!"$" is an indication the sensor requires maintenance.
TAF for:KBUR (Burbank/Bob Hope Arpt, CA, US) issued at 0904 UTC 11 Feb 2025
Text:KBUR 110904Z 1109/1206 VRB03KT P6SM SCT020 OVC035
Forecast period:0900 to 1800 UTC 11 February 2025
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:variable direction winds at 3 MPH (3 knots; 1.5 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:3500 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 2000 feet AGL, overcast cloud deck at 3500 feet AGL
Text:FM111800 26008KT P6SM SCT035 SCT250
Forecast period:1800 to 2100 UTC 11 February 2025
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the W (260 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 knots; 4.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 3500 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 25000 feet AGL
Text:FM112100 22010KT P6SM BKN250
Forecast period:2100 UTC 11 February 2025 to 0300 UTC 12 February 2025
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the SW (220 degrees) at 12 MPH (10 knots; 5.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:25000 feet AGL
Clouds:broken clouds at 25000 feet AGL
Text:FM120300 30007KT P6SM BKN250
Forecast period:0300 to 0600 UTC 12 February 2025
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the WNW (300 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 knots; 3.6 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:25000 feet AGL
Clouds:broken clouds at 25000 feet AGL

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Dest. Aircraft Date
PAY8537 EGLF PMDG 737-B... 2025-01-27 21:21:04
PAY5650 KABQ PMDG 737-9... 2025-01-21 15:54:30
PAY4067B KDEN PMDG 737-9... 2024-06-25 22:09:43
PAY0421 KABQ B738 2024-04-21 19:40:00
PAY9272A MMML B737-800X... 2024-04-18 21:16:30
PAY6256 KABQ TBM 930 Mu... 2024-04-17 21:51:40
9295A KSLC Boeing 737... 2024-04-17 15:55:08
PAY1192 KBKF Rotate-MD-... 2024-04-16 20:59:34
PAY6660 CYSB Airbus A32... 2024-04-15 13:57:50
PAY3236 KBOS A340-600 2024-04-16 20:40:00
PAY1385 KSJC PMDG 737-7... 2024-04-15 22:17:45
PAY9297A KLAS PMDG 737-9... 2024-04-14 11:23:12
PAY9285B KSJC PMDG 737-9... 2024-02-23 18:50:48

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
PAY8537 KBOS B737BBJ 2025-01-26 06:34:00
PAY9288B KSFO PMDG 737-9... 2025-01-21 13:00:08
9268B KFAT PMDG 737-7... 2024-12-13 21:07:23
PAY9354A KIAH PMDG 737-9... 2024-06-23 14:31:16
PAY0414 KRDD B738 2024-04-19 02:00:00
PAY0414 KRDD Bonanza G3... 2024-04-16 00:13:11
0414 KRDD B738 2024-04-15 21:40:00
PAY7260 KAMA Sukhoi Sup... 2024-04-14 21:36:31
PAY3236 KIWA xxToLissA3... 2024-04-14 20:33:34
PAY1385 KDEN PMDG 737-7... 2024-04-14 21:19:13
0414 KSLC Rotate-MD-... 2024-04-14 21:43:27
0414 KLMT Boeing 737... 2024-04-14 21:17:17
0414 KRDD Sukhoi Sup... 2024-04-14 20:57:32
PAY9288B KSFO PMDG 737-9... 2024-04-13 23:48:55
0414 KRDD B190 2024-04-13 22:00:00
PAY9285B KELP PMDG 737-9... 2024-02-23 17:09:15

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 778ft)

Runway 08 Length 5,793ft Width 140ft Elevation 723ft Surface Asphalt Heading 91
Runway 15 Length 6,887ft Width 150ft Elevation 723ft Surface Asphalt Heading 167
Runway 26 Length 5,793ft Width 140ft Elevation 723ft Surface Asphalt Heading 271
Runway 33 Length 6,887ft Width 150ft Elevation 723ft Surface Asphalt Heading 347

Airport Frequencies

Type APP/DEP Frequency 120.400 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 124.600 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 134.200 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 135.050 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 134.500 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 135.125 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 118.000 Mhz
Type D Frequency 120.400 Mhz
Type D Frequency 124.600 Mhz
Type D Frequency 134.200 Mhz
Type D Frequency 135.050 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 123.900 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 118.700 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 132.325 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 122.950 Mhz
Type D Frequency 128.750 Mhz

Airport Navaids

No navaids to display.